Sunday, February 19, 2017

Why left is less concern than right for the human rights abroad

Sweden’s social democrat prime minister, Stefan Löfven, is visiting Iranian regime’s officials in Iran and shaking their bloody hands. There is no need to say that, this regime is the main sponsor of international terrorism and also been under United -Nations investigation for violation of human rights and horrible oppression of Iranian women for decades. It seems the more progressive or leftist Western politicians are, the less concern they are for the violations of human rights and oppression of women by regimes such as Iranian regime and other Muslim fundamentalists. Naturally, we may expect that someone with more progressive political/social views be more sensitive and tougher in dealing with violators or human rights and oppressors of women. But in Western democracies, it is reverse, and in reality, it is the right, which supposedly is not as progressive as left when it goes to political/ social issues, that is more sensitive and tougher when it goes to dealing with the fundamentalists. It is not only Sweden left that appeases the Muslim fundamentalism, but also there is the same pattern in countries like Canada and USA. For example, prime minster Trudeau (a liberal) is much more cozying with Iranian regime than Harper (a conservative) did. Also, Trump seems much more tougher than Obama. Why is it so? Is that because they don’t consider the people who are oppressed by fundamentalists as human as themselves, therefore, they don’t view them with the same standard that they view their own people?  Is that because they have sympathy for fundamentalist, or perhaps, the greed and the economic deals have made them blind? Or maybe, they are just hypocrites and don’t believe in what they claim? Or, Is it the lack of principal? Whatever reason it is, it is really shameful.

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