Tuesday, January 10, 2006

poem/The glorious city

The glorious city

Dropping blood from his heart
He is standing straight and still
On the top of the highest hill
One hand aimed at the city
The other to the blue sky,
Where it meets the sea .

The river of time history
Running down the hill, in hurry
With so many marks from the past
And the years which are coming
The old city
- traveling from thousands of years-
is tired,
The remaining elements of victory are shining
And the shadows of pain are raving.

O’city, the glorious city!
O’home, the memorial home!
Where are your brave worriers?

O’statue, the old statue!
Who has been watching,
While history,
From the beginning to the end
You have seen everything
That has happened
Just tell me,
Tell me??
Where is the Worriers cemetery?
And where are their children?
Don’t they see!
The disgusting disaster
Falling down on the city!

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